
Knows when to react.

EyeSight assists in keeping you out of harm’s way. It looks ahead and alerts you at the first sign of danger. In certain conditions, it will even apply the brakes to avoid a collision. It’s no surprise that Eyesight-equipped vehicles are involved in 61% fewer accidents.

What happens when EyeSight is installed.


fewer accidents.


fewer rear-end crashes with injuries.


fewer pedestrian-related injuries.

Your intelligent co-pilot.

EyeSight Driver Assist Technology is attentive, even when you’re not. That’s why the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) gave Subaru models equipped with EyeSight the highest possible ratings for crash prevention.

Pre-Collision Braking

See how EyeSight reacts early to keep you a safe distance from trouble before you even notice the danger.

Pre-Collision Throttle Management

Watch how EyeSight reacts to help you avoid a frontal collision.

Adaptive Cruise Control

Watch how EyeSight keeps you moving with traffic—and stopping with it, too. Stay a safe distance at any speed.

Lane Sway & Departure Warning

Watch how EyeSight mind the lanes for you, and alert you when you’re moving out away from a safe spot on the road.

Lead Vehicle Start Alert

See how EyeSight prompts you to take an action when it senses that traffic has started moving.

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